Queensland Mental Health Commissioner Ivan Frkovic has welcomed the appointment of Queensland’s new Minister for Mental Health.
“I’m pleased mental health is now an elevated focus in the health portfolio,” Mr Frkovic said.
“This appointment demonstrates the Queensland Government sees mental health as a priority.
“Having the dedicated focus on mental health will help drive vital outcomes for ordinary Queenslanders.”
Mr Frkovic said there is significant work ahead to progress reform in the mental health portfolio.
“This includes implementing the Queensland Government’s unprecedented investment of $1.645 billion funding and commitments in response to the Parliamentary Inquiry into the opportunities to improve mental health outcomes for Queenslanders.
“In addition, we’re at an important stage with the upcoming renewal of Queensland’s five-year strategic plan for mental health, alcohol and other drugs, and suicide prevention.”
Mr Frkovic said implementing the strategic priorities for mental health, alcohol and other drugs, and suicide prevention in Queensland over the next five years was a priority.
“We’re looking forward to working with Minister Fentiman to deliver the required reform.”
The Commissioner also thanked Minister D’Ath for her work.
“Minister D’Ath was instrumental in establishing the Queensland Parliamentary inquiry and securing additional funding in last year’s budget—and I thank her for her support and commitment,” he said.
“We welcome Minister Fentiman and look forward to working with her on these important reforms.”
Contact: Queensland Mental Health Commission media team
media@qmhc.qld.gov.au | (07) 3244 9240