The 2023-24 Better Futures Grant offered up to $250,000 (excluding GST) for innovative initiatives delivered within 24 months.
The Better Futures Grant program was released on 9 October 2023 and the Commission received over 130 applications.
Successful grants had a particular focus on digital mental health solutions and youth and perinatal mental health. Eight applications were successful:
Organisation | Description | Grant |
Headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation Ltd | Digital chat-based therapeutic support - To identify, and then operationalise, appropriate constructs for client mental health outcomes and clinician therapeutic actions in digital chat-based therapeutic support by tracking real-time outcomes and actions to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. | $250,000 over 24 months |
Primary and Community Care Services Limited | Wisecarer - A Hospital Admission Companion Program for Consumer and Carer Empowerment - Empowers carers and consumers through co-designed digital tools and integrated care strategies, embedding evidence-based practices for enhanced well-being. Engage primary care providers earlier in the transition to ensure seamless transitions between primary, community and tertiary care. | $250,000 over 24 months |
Griffith University | Converge at Griffith University - Provide a range of free, primarily but not exclusively arts-based, university courses to Converge students who may never have gained access to educational opportunities through more traditional route, who experience and receive support for their mental health, to help them develop skills in a supportive educational environment. | $250,000 over 24 months |
Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership / ARACY (Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth) | Operationalising Resilience frameworks and tools with Family LinQ Hubs and Logan Together - Engage Logan service eco-system entities to advance service and intervention mapping against the Resilience Scale tool and other key frameworks that focused on child development to map, implement, train and evaluate system planning and delivery for children, their families and communities to rollout tiered training, improved workforce efficacy, wellbeing, retention and productivity. | $250,000 over 12 months |
University of New South Wales | The Big Reach - Co-create next generation trauma-responsive Visual Reality (VR) tools to reach consumers who are not accessing existing services, and to support service providers to embed and extend trauma-informed care in regional locations. | $249.622 over 24 months. |
The University of Queensland (Mater) | State-based Perinatal Family Mental Health Registry - To establish a state-based Perinatal Family Mental Health Registry, and consolidate data from the Queensland Family Cohort (QFC) study and the Indigenous-QFC study on healthcare use and costs to identify unmet family-related mental health clinical and support needs, to inform clinical strategies and mental healthcare needs to address “Who is affected most by perinatal mental health, in terms of outcomes, healthcare use and costs?" | $239,363 over 24 months |
ORYGEN LIMITED | VR package for young people ‘MIND’ - Improve key clinical outcomes including depression and anxiety, wellbeing and quality of life of young people by using immersive VR environments to deliver targeted evidence-based treatment. Deliver a comprehensive training package in-person within services, focusing on equipping clinicians with the necessary skills and competency to deliver MIND in collaboration with service partners. | $250,000 over 24 months |
The University of Queensland | Mindfulness App - Increase access to healthcare and community support services for perinatal women from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds, in a sustainable and cost-effective way using a co-designed and translated of the Mindfulness mobile app. | $250,000 over 24 months |