We are investing in free training to build organisational understanding, readiness and capability to support and realise the full potential of lived-living experience (peer) workforces.
Our goal is to transform the mental health, alcohol and other drugs, suicide prevention, and broader human services workforces by embedding Lived-Living Experience (Peer) workforces as a respected and credible discipline.
Why is this important?
A thriving Lived-Living Experience (Peer) workforce is an essential component of flexible, quality, holistic care and enhances outcomes for service users.
Lived-Living Experience (Peer) workers have unique knowledge, abilities and attributes to support others, drawing on their Lived-Living Expertise, work and life experience augmented by formal and informal learning. Research shows services provided by Lived-Living Experience (Peer) workers contribute to an improved sense of hope, empowerment and social inclusion for those accessing services.
However, we know that organisations can struggle to include the discipline of Lived-Living Experience (Peer) workforce in meaningful and impactful ways.
The National Lived Experience (Peer) Workforce Development Guidelines includes actions to:
- maintain the integrity of Lived Experience work
- create the conditions for a thriving workforce, and
- support systemic change and professionalisation.
The ongoing growth and support of Queensland’s Lived-Living (Peer) workforces requires consideration of workforce planning, training and support to achieve the full potential of Lived-Living Experience (Peer) roles.
We aim to increase shared understanding of the values, principles and role of Lived-Living Experienc (Peer) workforces in order to transform mental health, alcohol and other drugs, suicide prevention and other human services sectors.
What we are doing
We are investing in free training for organisations to gain essential understanding of Lived-Living Experience workforces and work, delivered by leading Queensland Lived-Living Experience academic, Dr Louise Byrne and the team at Lived Experience Training (.org).
This best-practice training is informed by over 15 years of internationally recognised and applied Lived-Living Experience-led research, informed by participants in a range of settings, specialties and sectors, and is targeted at organisations in the mental health, alcohol and other drugs, suicide prevention and other human services sectors.
To ensure the benefits and role of the Lived-Living Experience workforce is better understood by the broader workforce, this training is offered to all staff in an organisation or service, not solely to Lived-Living Experience workers.
Understanding lived-living experience concepts across the organisation and the sector leads to increased valuing, respect and engagement of the Lived-Living Experience workforce. This leads to the broader workforce understanding, supporting, employing and collaborating more with Lived-Living Experience workforces to unlock the full potential of Lived-Living Experience practice.
Whole-of-organisation literacy is the foundation of organisational readiness, genuinely inclusive work environments, and ultimately, best-practice outcomes.
About the training
Orientation training is offered to all staff and includes:
understanding the difference between having individual lived-living experience and building Lived-Living expertise
definitions and differences between Lived-Living Experience workforce and other disciplines
explaining some of the values, principles and benefits of Lived-Living Experience work across various roles and specialities
outlining why designated roles matter.
The training is online and self-paced, allowing users to learn at their own speed, when it is convenient to them.
The program includes regular access to Q&A sessions with leading Lived-Living Experience researcher and academic Dr Louise Byrne.
The Commission is providing free training for Queensland-based staff of eligible organisations in relevant sectors.
Relevant sectors include the mental health, alcohol and other drugs, suicide prevention and other human services sectors such as housing/homelessness, disability, harm reduction, First Nations, etc.
Eligible organisations include:
- Non-government organisations (NGOs) and charities (including PHN funded services) in relevant sectors
- Queensland Government departments, statutory bodies and state-funded agencies.
- Queensland-based Primary Health Networks (PHNs) (limited access)
People employed by eligible organisations must work in Queensland to be eligible.
Ineligible organisations include:
- Higher education institutions (TAFE, universities)
- Private sector organisations and staff
- Federally funded government departments (with the exception of PHNs).
Register for training
To find out more about the training or to register go to:
How does this support reform?
This initiative supports whole-of-system reform, including:
- Queensland Framework for the Development of the Mental Health Lived Experience Workforce which helps all staff across the sector to understand and respect the role of Lived-Living Experience workforces
- Shifting minds strategic plan includes a priority to build a skilled, well-resourced and sustainable workforce, including the lived experience and peer workforces and an action to develop, grow and support a peer workforce across different contexts and environments
- Achieving balance alcohol and other drugs plan recognises peer workers as an essential part of the alcohol and other drug workforce.
- Every life suicide prevention plan includes a priority action to develop the capacity and capability of the suicide prevention system workforce.
- National Lived Experience (Peer) Workforce Development Guidelines include key recommendations to provide whole of sector education about Lived-Living Experience workforces
Further information
For further information about this initiative, contact info@qmhc.qld.gov.au
To contact Dr Louise Byrne and the team at Lived Experience Training (.org) email: enquiries@livedexperiencetraining.org