Our vision
Queenslanders working together to improve mental health and wellbeing.
Our role and functions
Our role is to drive ongoing reform towards a more integrated, evidence-based, recovery-oriented mental health, alcohol and other drug service system in Queensland.
Our functions are to:
1. Develop, support and report on a whole-of-government strategic plan
- coordinate and report on implementation
- monitor and report on progress towards achieving outcomes
2. Research and report on issues relevant to Queenslanders
- build evidence about what works and where reform is needed
- make submissions and recommendations to governments
- develop and prepare reports to support decision-making
3. Deliver and support promotion, awareness and early intervention
- support services and initiatives that promote
- community-wide mental health and wellbeing
- prevention and early intervention
- awareness
- reduced stigma and discrimination
4. Engage and enable stakeholders to foster an inclusive and responsive system
- promote opportunities for people with lived experience , their families, carers and supporters to have a say in reform
- engage within and across sectors to build collaborative partnerships as agents for change
- promote opportunities to share knowledge
- support the Queensland Mental Health and Drug Advisory Council
We work with others to achieve reform
It takes collective action at all levels and across many sectors to achieve reform. We work with government and non-government agencies, people with a lived experience, families, carers and supporters throughout Queensland to engage, inform and inspire reform.
Our job is system reform
We work on whole-of-system reform to ensure the mental health, alcohol and other drug, and suicide prevention systems work more effectively.
Our work extends beyond the health system and acknowledges the holistic needs and broad range of issues faced by people with a lived experience of mental illness, problematic alcohol and other drug use and those affected by suicide.
Our role does not include:
- investigating individual healthcare complaints
- planning or funding mental health, alcohol and other drug services
- service delivery.
These responsibilities rest with other government agencies.
Our values
The Commission has adopted the Queensland Government public service values in addition to a value which focuses on promoting wellness. These values are fundamental to our work:
- Customers first
- Ideas into action
- Unleash potential
- Be courageous
- Empower people
- Promote wellness