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Workforce Forum Consultation Report

Consultation Report Workforce Forum - Leading Reform Summit 2022

On Friday 25 November 2022, the Leading Reform Summit 2022 Workforce Forum brought sector leaders together to discuss critical workforce barriers and challenges facing the mental health, alcohol and other drugs, suicide prevention and related sectors.

Delegates represented state and federal governments, the private sector, primary healthcare and non-government sectors, lived experience, allied health, peak and professional bodies, unions, and academia.

The Workforce Forum provided a platform for a whole-of-system dialogue about the workforce. To determine innovative solutions and areas for strategic focus and discuss how the broader system—within and beyond the healthcare sector—can better work together to leverage cross-sector opportunities and ensure that Queensland has the workforce needed now and into the future.

Delegates focused on the following five topics:
1. Building workforce supply
2. Building workforce skills, knowledge, and capability
3. Supporting the wellbeing and retention of the workforce
4. Creating a sustainable rural and remote workforce
5. Strengthening system enablers.

The consultation report provides a high-level overview of key discussion themes and recommendations from the Workforce Forum.