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Suicide Prevention Advisory Group

We have established a Suicide Prevention Lived Experience Advisory Group (LEAG) to enable people with lived experience of suicide to have input into suicide prevention policy and initiatives.

What is the LEAG?

The Commission is working with a diverse group of Queenslanders with a lived experience of suicide and who have an interest in using their experience to inform suicide prevention planning and implementation in Queensland.

This includes First Nations people, people from rural and regional areas, people who are LGBTIQA+, young people, and people from a culturally and linguistically diverse background.

Meetings are co-chaired by two elected LEAG members who have a lived experience of suicide.

In general, the LEAG is comprised of people who have:

  • a lived experience of suicide, through experience of suicidal thoughts, surviving a suicide attempt, supporting a loved one through suicidal crisis, or who have been bereaved by suicide
  • knowledge and experience of interacting with the service system in Queensland
  • an ability to think strategically, or who have been involved in strategic planning previously
  • an interest in developing a mechanism for suicide prevention system advocacy in Queensland
  • committee experience, as either a member or co-chair.

Why is this important?

The purpose of the LEAG is to provide ongoing advice in relation to lived experience of suicide perspectives across suicide prevention policy in Queensland and to promote, support, co-design and co-produce key suicide prevention projects across the Commission and the Queensland Government more broadly.

This will be an opportunity where the voice, insight and wisdom of lived experience will be supported to guide suicide prevention initiatives across Queensland.

How does this support reform? 

A priority of the Shifting minds strategic plan is to drive reform through strategic leadership by developing systemic responses that support the effective engagement and participation of people with a lived experience in policy, planning and governance.

Strengthening the systemic enablers for reform is an action area of the Every life suicide prevention plan.

    Conditions of service


    Members are remunerated in accordance with our Paid Participation Policy.

    Time commitment

    The LEAG is being trialed for quarterly meetings over a 12-month period for half-day sessions held virtually. 

    Prior to commencement, LEAG members were supported to attend lived experience capacity building training provided by Roses in the Ocean both online and face-to-face in Brisbane.