Paul has worked in the human services sector for 30 years in both Australia and England, with a focus on health promotion and community development.
Currently, Paul is the Executive Manager | Commissioned services at Brisbane North PHN, supporting the development and implementation of the joint regional plan for mental health, suicide prevention and alcohol and other drug treatment (MHAOD), as well as the commissioning of services in the community. He is also involved in the national PHN Cooperative MHAOD Coordinating Committee and the Queensland PHNs MHAOD Network.
Paul has worked for 10 years specifically focused on mental health, including as System Reform Lead and then Manager of North Brisbane Partners in Recovery.
Previously Paul was the Executive Director of the Queensland Association for Healthy Communities (now Queensland Council for LGBTI Health) and a founding member and inaugural chair of the National LGBTI Health Alliance (now LGBTIQ+ Health Australia).
Paul worked for the NHS in England in a number of roles, including as the Health Promotion Manager for the Brighton and Hove Primary Care Trust. Previous to that he worked in HIV and sexual health promotion in England, Sydney and Brisbane.