Where do you start when you need to develop an evaluation framework for the Shifting minds: Queensland Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Strategic Plan 2018-2023?
You go to the brains trust. In this case, we’ve held three co-design workshops in December to get the input of people with lived experience of mental illness, alcohol and other drugs and suicidality, along with their families and carers.
We’ve also collaborated with government and non-government agencies, community organisations and service providers to ensure a framework that meets the needs and expectations of a wide variety of stakeholders.
The feedback received to date has been invaluable. It will help inform a contemporary monitoring and evaluation framework for Shifting minds and its related roadmap and plans.
In particular, the framework will seek to highlight successes and areas for improvement throughout the life of the strategy. It will:
- encompass content, implementation and impact evaluation
- reflect the collective approach of Shifting minds across sectors/agencies
- draw on existing qualitative and quantitative information sources
- build strong stakeholder buy-in and ownership from consumers, carers and families.
- add value beyond current mental health reporting with a focus on driving reform.
Our thanks to everyone in Brisbane and Cairns who have given their time to contribute.
It is expected the framework will be finalised in early 2020 and will be published soon after.