Introducing Zoe and Angela

Project manager Zoe Cunningham (L) and Senior Project Officer Angela Davies (R)
We are delighted to introduce Zoe Cunningham and Angela Davies, who are the drivers behind the project to establish a consumer peak body for Queensland.
Zoe has joined the Commission as project manager, and says she is thrilled to be part of the project team setting up the new consumer peak.
"I've been working in the community mental health sector for nearly 20 years, and this is another fantastic opportunity to contribute both my personal and sector experience," she said.
"I look forward to connecting with people who are interested in the establishment of the new peak and I'm particularly looking forward to working with people on the Project Steering Committee.
"The response has been wonderful, with almost 200 applications for the Project Steering Committee received," she said.
Appointed as the project's senior project officer, Angela is on secondment from Gold Coast Health where she works as a Consumer Consultant.
"I have lived and living experience of mental health challenges, and my passion is service improvement," said Angela.
"I was motivated to get involved in this project because of the incredible peers and peer workers I have met, who have shaped my understanding of mental distress and personal recovery.
"I'm very excited and grateful for the opportunity to work with people from across the State to develop an active and influential mental health consumer peak for Queensland."