Sometimes consumers and clients, their families and supporters find the treatment or support services they receive may not be acceptable.
You have the right to express your concern or complaint and to have this heard and acted on.
There are various independent complaint agencies in Queensland and across Australia that will listen to you and review your complaint about government departments, health services, community services, local councils and private organisations. Each agency has different roles and powers, so it is important you direct your concerns to the right one.
Under the Queensland Mental Health Commission Act 2013, the Commission does not have authority to deal with individual complaints or specific issues related to services. However we have often heard how confusing the process of making a complaint in Queensland can be and the difficulty in finding the right agency to lodge a complaint with.
The draft
To address this issue, the Commission has developed a package of information. This package includes comprehensive information for our website and a draft wallet card that gives a basic outline of the steps to follow when making a complaint about mental health, alcohol and other drug services and some tips to consider.
It also provides an area to note the contact information of your local service for any feedback or concerns and lists some key agencies for complaints related to mental health, alcohol and drugs services.
The accompanying website pages provide similar information about steps to follow and tips to consider as well as a comprehensive list of all agencies in Queensland who handle complaints or agencies that can provide support or information to you in making a complaint.
View the website pages on the following links or download the wallet card concept below:
Making a complaint about a service
Complaint handling agencies and support
Share your views
You are invited to give your feedback on the draft wallet card and website pages. Is there anything that’s missing or unclear? Any other suggestions?
Send us your feedback by email to by 7 March 2016.
All feedback will be considered in the development of the final product.
DESIGN CONCEPT Feedback and Complaints in Queensland 1 (PDF, 141.63 KB)