The establishment a national organisation to support mental health peer workers is the focus of a consultation process coming to Brisbane.
Peer workers in are invited the Brisbane consultation to have your say.
Peer work is a growing occupational group in the mental health workforce with many people employed in isolation and with little support or mentoring. All other mental health professionals have professional bodies that support and advocate on their behalf.
The Community of Peers Project responds to a significant gap in Australia for a peak entity to bring the peer workforce together.
The project is a consortium between National Mental Health Commission, the Private Mental Health Consumer and Carer Network (Australia) and the National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum.
To register, RSVP by Tuesday 24 April 2018:, freecall 1800 982 128, or mobile 0429 037 713.
community_of_peers_project.pdf (PDF, 491.44 KB)
peer_worker_brisbane_consultation.pdf (PDF, 437.16 KB)