Join over 300+ delegates, in the 21st national series of the Australian Psychosis Conference, featuring keynote speakers presenting breakthrough research. Network with local leaders and connect with the next generation of rising stars. We aim to deliver a jam-packed scientific program with sessions dedicated to:
- basic and public health researchers
- lived experience leaders and peer workers
- social, housing, vocational, NDIS, and justice workers
- clinical psychologists
- psychiatrists in public and private practice
- service managers and policymakers
Program Topics to include
Basic science: neurodevelopment; pharmacology; connectivity; genomic and inflammatory profiling
Clinical science: Advances in the management of bipolar disorder; cognitive and other psychotherapies; illness unawareness (anosognosia); at-risk mental states; treatment resistance; forensics; suicide prevention; differentiating emotional dysregulation from affective psychosis
Service development: Bottom-up versus Top-down governance; State-Federal collaboration; re-integration of innovative special-purpose services; re-building the heart of mainstream services; task-shifting/transfer governance models
Social development: Social Determinants of Health and Inequity; First Nation communities
Consumer development: lived experience leadership; social isolation; discrimination
National psychosis research partnerships: what can we learn from dementia and cancer fields.
To register go to:
australian_psychosis_conference_flyer.pdf (PDF, 608.3 KB)
apc2023_brochure_aug_23.pdf (PDF, 334.23 KB)