QMHC Multicultural Charter Action Report 2020-2021
‘Our story, our future’ is the Queensland Government’s Multicultural Policy (the Policy) promoting an inclusive, harmonious and united community for Queensland.
The Policy focuses Queensland Government action on three policy priorities for culturally diverse communities and Queensland as a whole –
(1) achieving culturally responsive government
(2) supporting inclusive, harmonious and united communities and
(3) improving economic opportunities.
The Queensland Multicultural Action Plan 2019-20 to 2021-22 is the second Multicultural Action Plan released under Multicultural Recognition Act 2016 (the Act).
Section 24 of the Act requires entities with actions in the Action Plan to report publicly on an annual basis. The report fulfils this requirement for 2020-21 for the Queensland Mental Health Commission.
QMHC Multicultural Charter Action Report 2020-2021 (PDF, 230.23 KB)