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Lived-Living Experience Charter

In partnership with the Lived Experience Leadership and Advocacy Network (LELAN), we are co-designing a charter about how we will partner with people with lived-living experience of mental illness, alcohol and other drug use, and suicidality.

The charter will be co-designed with people with lived-living experience and their families, carers and kin, sector leaders and Commission staff.

Why this is important

The Commission is going through an immense period of growth and has increased responsibility for system reform and transformation.

The perspectives of people with lived-living experience are critical to system reform and we are committed to including and embedding of lived-living experience and expertise at every level and across all aspects of our work.

Developing the charter is an important step to ensure people with lived-living experience of mental illness, harms from alcohol and other drug use, and suicidality, including their families, carers, kin and other supporters, are engaged in system reform. This includes in policy, planning, funding, service delivery and governance.

What we are doing

The development of the Charter will involve a range of activities, including:

  • An online webinar: A webinar will be held on 1 August 2024 about our approach to developing the charter. People with lived-living experience and their family, carers, kin and supporters, stakeholders, sector leaders, and community members will be invited to participate.
  • An online survey: People with lived-living experience and their family and carers, stakeholders, sector leaders and community members will be invited to complete an online survey which will be launched at the webinar.
  • Co-design sessions with people with lived-living experience: Co-design sessions will be held online, and in-person in two Queensland regions with people with lived-living experience of mental illness, harm from alcohol and other drug use and suicidality, including their families, carers, kin and other supporters. An expression of interest (EOI) process will be undertaken for people who wish to join these co-design sessions. Lived-living experience participants will be paid through the Commission’s Paid Participation policy for these sessions and for the consolidation session.
  • Co-design sessions with lived-living experience sector leaders: Sector leaders in the area of lived-living expertise will be invited to attend in-person co-design sessions.
  • A consolidation session: People with lived-living experience and their family and carers, stakeholders, sector leaders and community members who did the survey and/or participated in co-design sessions will be invited to an online consolidation session, outlining what the Commission and LELAN heard during consultations. 

Please note, this work to embed powerful partnering, co-production and lived experience is inclusive of consumer and carer lived experience perspectives across the mental health, alcohol and other drugs, and suicide prevention spaces.

How does this support reform

This project aligns with key priorities and actions under Shifting minds 2023-2028, Achieving balance 2022-2027 and Every life Phase Two 2019-2029.

Next steps

The online webinar will be held on 1 August 2024. If you would like to hear more about the Charter and co-design process, please register to attend here. 

This page will continue to be updated as this work progresses, but you are also welcome to get in touch with us to hear more about this work via