The Queensland Mental Health Commission has announced additional funding for community initiatives that improve the mental health and wellbeing of vulnerable Queenslanders.
A further nine organisations will receive a total of just under $370,000 to implement innovative, locally-led, collaborative initiatives. This brings the value provided under the Commission’s 2016-17 Stronger Community Mental Health and Wellbeing grants to $1.03 million.
Queensland Mental Health Commissioner Dr Lesley van Schoubroeck said the latest round of grants provided support for initiatives that focus on the needs of vulnerable groups including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultural and linguistically diverse communities (CALD), and people with intellectual disability, as well as families and carers of people living with or impacted by problematic alcohol and other drug use.
“The Commission is pleased to offer additional funding this year and continue to deliver stronger community mental health and wellbeing programs,” Dr van Schoubroeck said.
“The strength of this program is it funds local community initiatives, planned and delivered at a local level, and that address the individual needs of each community.
The grants enable organisations to support the implementation of priorities under the Queensland Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol Strategic Plan 2014-19.
See the successful Round 2, 2016-17 grant recipients.
Stronger Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Grants Round 2 2017 (PDF, 276.58 KB)