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Why is this important?

Strengthening and optimising the systemic enablers for change is essential to improve outcomes for individuals and communities.

This includes collaborative approaches to planning, funding and delivery of services.

Systemic enablers for change—including governanceand leadership, integrated policy and planning, funding, commissioning, workforce, and monitoring and evaluation—are required for effective system performance and improvement.

Shared leadership and accountability are needed to deliver the reforms outlined in Shifting minds 2023–2028.

What we want to achieve

Shifting minds 2023–2028 continues to support strategies to ensure a balance of investment and an appropriate mix of hospital and community, and clinical and psychosocial services and supports in diverse settings.

This renewed plan also focuses on a shift toward planning and funding of preventative and early intervention approaches.

Collective leadership and responsibility are needed across policy, funding, program development and service delivery to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.

Successfully reforming the mental health, alcohol and other drug, and suicide prevention system requires embedding lived experience leadership and expertise. This involves properly resourced arrangements for consumer and carer co-design and co-production.

Directions, priorities and actions

Shifting our approach

Enable change

Collective responsibility