The Renewing Shifting minds Consultation report details the processes and outcomes of consultation to undertaken to develop Shifting minds: The Queensland Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs, and Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan 2023–2028.
Consultation approach
Work to renew Shifting minds extended over three phases, with each phase building on information provided in the previous phase.
The consultation sought to be participatory, inclusive and comprehensive—ensuring representation of view across location, population needs, communities and areas of expertise.
Who we spoke to
We aimed to speak with as many people as possible during the consultation program to gather as many diverse perspectives as possible.
We heard from individuals, families and carers, service providers, peak agencies, representative groups, government agencies and non-government, primary and private sector providers.
What we did
During the consultation program we:
- heard from more than 640 Queenslanders
- conducted 23 workshops
- went to 9 locations across the state
- held several online consultations and workshops
- engaged more that 300 organisations
- gathered 102 survey responses, and
- met with more than 80 people with lived experience, including carers and peer workers.
Importantly, the consultation process aimed to generate discussion and build collective support across sectors and the community.
What we heard
The top three most frequently mentioned themes across all the workshops, the online survey and the community forums were:
- System, governance and workforces (including workforces across health, social and community services sectors)
- Availability, access, service navigation and models of service delivery
- Promotion, prevention and early intervention.
Other themes included:
- Alcohol and other drugs
- Data, monitoring, evaluation and outcomes
- Lived experience participation
- Suicidal distress and suicide prevention
These themes informed the development of priorities and actions in the renewed Shifting minds strategic plan 2023–2028.