Summit program
The two-day program aligns with the key focus areas of Shifting minds, the Queensland Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Strategic Plan, the touchstone document for system reform in Queensland.
The summit explores
- The key themes and priorities of state and national reform
- Suicide prevention across the population, as well as in at-risk populations
- Developments in lived experience engagement and reaching critical mass in the peer workforce
- The opportunity of social enterprise for employment, training and better lives for people with lived experience
- Further work around the human rights of people with a lived experience of mental illness, problematic alcohol and other drug use and suicide
- The principles of person-centred care and putting people before paperwork
- The expectations young people have of a modern system
- Amplifying the voice of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in system and services reform
- New Zealand's wellbeing revolution, and shifting the focus upstream to wellbeing and prevention
- Perspectives of 100 Queenslanders on mental health, AOD, suicide and reform
- Imperative policy reforms for alcohol and other drugs
- The challenges and opportunities for NGOs in an uncertain funding world.
Speakers and panelists
The summit features a range of leading state, national and international thinkers at the cutting edge of reform, including

Leilani Darwin
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Lived Experience Centre Black Dog Institute
The Summit is being held at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, which is located on Glenelg Street in Brisbane's South Bank Precinct.
Frequently asked questions
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