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Paid participation

Paid participation is one of the ways we recognise the valuable, specialised and expert contribution made by people with a lived experience, their families, carers and support people.

We are committed to meaningful engagement with people with a lived experience, their families, carers and support people as equal partners in our work, ensuring that cost is not a barrier to participation.

Paid participation:

  • provides a paid participation payment for a person’s engagement and participation
  • pays for reasonable travel and accommodation costs to allow people to give their time and participate
  • reimburses any reasonable associated out of pocket expenses.

The Commission is currently reviewing our Paid Participation Policy and associated forms and they are not currently available on our website. For assistance with a Paid Participation query in the interim, please kindly contact

How does this support reform?

To achieve system reform and better outcomes for people with lived experience, the Shifting minds strategic plan requires that people with lived experience are engaged as equal partners in policy, planning and governance.